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We are committed to providing you financial peace of mind so you can enjoy all of life’s most precious moments.

  • Tailored Solutions
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What is important to you is important to us. We take time to listen to your values and goals and provide you with a personalized plan to meet your specific needs and the needs of those you care about. Our solutions offer financial peace of mind so you can focus on what you enjoy most!

Learn Why Trust Point is Right for You

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Assets Under Management

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Years in Business

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Legacies Planned & Lives Changed

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Our Process: Step #1

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We take the time to get to know you, your values, and what you want to achieve and then customize your personal financial roadmap. Being your financial partner involves more than just managing portfolios and estate or tax planning. It is also about family and building lasting relationships. We realize life has many twists and turns. Our financial solutions are flexible and will help provide the confidence in knowing that you and those you care about are taken care of now and well into the future.


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We gather all of your relevant financial data so we can set a baseline for your plan. Once your assets and financial data have been documented, we’ll review your financial picture and look for areas of opportunities for growth. Your personalized plan is created by our team of experienced, credentialed professionals with specialized expertise on a large number of wealth-management issues from a variety of perspectives. This will allows you to feel at ease knowing the Trust Point team has developed tailored solutions unique to you, and in your best interest.

Our Process: Step #3

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Your comprehensive action plan will be presented and reviewed with you so that you have a clear understanding of the plan goals. Upon approval of your plan, we’ll set priorities and begin to execute the plan. While we have a depth of expertise in-house, we will also leverage outside advisors and resources on your behalf, as needed. Our clear investment philosophy combined with proven principles results in the comfort of knowing you have a financial partner serving as your steward and advocate.

Our Process: Step #4

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We are more than just a 100 year old wealth management firm. We are a team of professional, compassionate, and dedicated individuals focused on doing what is right for our clients, one another, and our community, By working with us, you will gain access to one of the largest and most diverse arrays of financial professionals to help you meet your goals. Our credentialed professionals take great pride in the quality of client service they deliver. They are guided by the same principles that have served Trust Point for over a century: outstanding personal service, uncompromised ethical standards and technical expertise.

Join Our Team

Brenda S. Stuhr

Vice President

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Brian Koopman

Chief Operating Officer


Erica R. Rytilahti

Vice President - Wealth Management

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Cassie M. Feller

Relationship Manager

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Andrea Chan

Relationship Manager

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Bill Bosch

Chief Development and Strategy Officer

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Brenda S. Stuhr


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Brian Koopman


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Erica R. Rytilahti

Vice President - Wealth Management



Relationship Manager

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Andrea Chan

Relationship Manager

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Bill Bosch

Chief Development and Strategy Officer

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Feature 1

Trump vs Biden: Factors at Stake

Four years. It has already been almost four years since the last U.S. presidential election. With November 3rd quickly approaching, we wanted…

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The investment landscape today is different than it was a decade ago.  Advisors mainly used mutual funds to build investment portfolios for…

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Estate Planning

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